Our mission

Our mission is dedicated to the protection and welfare of squirrels in the Galijot and Bellevue tourist settlements within Plava Laguna at the entrance of Poreč. In addition to caring for these squirrels, we have initiated the "Lend a Hand to Nature" project aimed at protecting urban wildlife and repopulating red squirrels in Poreč. Once abundant in the area, their numbers have dwindled significantly, and they have completely disappeared from some parts of the town. Our goal is to reintroduce squirrels to Poreč, especially in locations like the forest between the Hospital and the Center for Social Welfare, Bakina šumica, Naftaplin, and Pical.

We volunteer to care for over 50 squirrels inhabiting this beautiful area, focusing on their safety, comfort, and promoting awareness about the appropriate treatment of small animals. Through education, we aim to raise public awareness about the importance of respecting squirrels' natural habitats and the need for empathy towards wildlife. We actively ensure their well-being by providing sufficient food and water and timely veterinary care when necessary. Our commitment to their protection motivates us to educate ourselves about their needs continually.

We are working to maintain the balance between humans and nature, with the hope of inspiring others to join us in our mission to care for and protect squirrels, so that future generations can also enjoy their presence throughout the town.

About Us

Squirrel Whisperers


I was born and raised in Osijek's Sjenjak neighborhood, where my love for nature and animals began early. Even as a child, I was rescuing everything from kittens to birds, lizards, earthworms, and bugs. Some might find it funny, but I could never ignore an insect struggling on its back; I always felt compelled to help it. I've fed birds all my life, and though I grew up in Slavonia, transitioning to vegetarianism felt like a natural step for me. I've been a vegan since 2002, earning me nicknames like "forest fairy" and "whisperer to little creatures."

Professionally, I am a transpersonal psychologist, a healer, and a practitioner of natural medicine, with expertise in homeopathy, Ayurveda, bioresonance, and aromatherapy. My passion for spirituality, psychology, and art, especially painting, began at age 15, and by 18, I was deeply involved in these fields.

In 2006, I founded an association in Vukovar and, in collaboration with the European House Vukovar led by Prof. Ljiljana Gehrecke, PhD, initiated projects targeting women and girls in Vukovar and Osijek, such as “Healthy and Happy Woman” and “Therapeutic Dance for Girls and Women.” I also played an active role in the Ecosana project managed by Ljiljana Gehrecke. Simultaneously, I presided over the BOSINO Association, focusing on the elderly and disabled in Vukovar, and collaborated with the Nado Polyclinic and Slanovic Institution in Osijek on natural medicine and therapeutic dance.

Over the years, my engagement in the nonprofit sector has spanned artistic, therapeutic, humanitarian, and volunteer work in Vukovar and Osijek.

My education and experience are extensive, with studies conducted in Croatia and internationally, including Spain, Austria, England, and the USA. Alongside my degrees in transpersonal psychology and sexology (specializing in abused women), I have completed programs in psychoneuroimmunology, homeopathy, aromatherapy, Jyotish-Ayurvedic counseling, NLP, AVP, IMEDIS bioresonance, ASTROMED, psychological counseling, Atlas Therapy, Theta Healing, transpersonal hypnosis and hypnotherapy, transactional analysis TA 101, and virtual therapy. I’ve also pursued numerous dance and artistic trainings, integrating them into my professional practice.

In 2011, I relocated to Poreč where I now run the Health Center Harmony and the Harmonija business, providing therapeutic services and consultations. I leverage my skills to benefit the people of Istria and offer global support through Skype consultations in Croatian and English. Additionally, I write health columns for Parentium Media and edit the Harmonija portal.

In my spare time, I am dedicated to writing books and columns, dancing, and painting/drawing under the mentorship of Eugen Varzić. I regularly practice yoga, transcendental meditation, and the TM-Sidhi program, and I am a devoted Argentine tango dancer, training under Elio Bašan at the Dansel dance school. I cherish my time spent in nature, caring for squirrels, and am an avid reader of spiritual and psychological literature. I find special inspiration in angels and fairies, which resonate deeply in both my professional endeavors and personal life.


Draženko Požarić is a nature enthusiast, with a particular fondness for squirrels. Since 2003, he has been the owner and editor of the independent Poreč-based portal Parentium.com.

Previously, he was involved in programming, the air conditioning trade and service, and the development of web applications.

Alongside his wife Conny, he has been a caretaker and protector of squirrels for the past four years. He is also active on Twitter, where his videos and photos of squirrels attract a large following.

Draženko enjoys nature walks, loves music, and is an avid cyclist. In his spare time over the past few years, he has practiced Reconnection and meditation.

Health Centar Harmony

The Association "Health Center Harmony," founded in 2006, embodies the essential meaning of "harmony," derived from the Greek language, signifying balance and agreement among opposites. Their mission is to achieve equilibrium in various aspects of life.

The Center specializes in therapeutic arts, transpersonal psychology, hypnotherapy, and healing, and promotes awareness of health and environmental issues. Additionally, we are particularly committed to the protection of red squirrels and environmental awareness. Our programs encourage individuals to achieve harmony within themselves, in spirit, body, relationships with others, nature, and the cosmos.

Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for our clients through awareness and responsibility towards their own health and by fostering respect for nature and its resources.

Centar Zdravlja Harmonija
VAT: 73413682747
IBAN: HR6823400091110237143


Kontakt: centar.zdravlja.harmonija@gmail.com


© Health Center Harmony 2006-2024

NOTE: All information provided on this page is educational. For specific needs concerning squirrels, please consult a veterinarian or a wildlife protection center.

95% of the photos are taken by Conny & Dražen, with the remaining images by Graziella Mureta and Geert Weggen and licensed photos from Pixabay, Stock, and Shutterstock.